ISSN 2285-6064, ISSN CD-ROM 2285-6072, ISSN-L 2285-6064, Online ISSN 2393-5138

Published in Scientific Papers. Series E. Land Reclamation, Earth Observation & Surveying, Environmental Engineering, Vol. X
Written by Dmytro LADYCHUK, Sergiy LAVRENKO, Nataliia LAVRENKO

Currently horizontal drainage is a key ecological reclamation measure aimed at regulating water and salt regimes of soils, especially under conditions of irrigated agro-landscapes. Taking this measure becomes especially important under conditions of global and regional climate change. The operating conditions for horizontal drainage have changed resulting in changes in its efficiency. It is especially important for durable drainage, when its efficiency decreases it could even stop functioning. It requires a considerable number of research activities, but very few Ukrainian farmers can carry out monitoring research on the performance of horizontal drainage, constructed on their plots. It prevents from finding out negative aspects in horizontal drainage in time and taking appropriate measures. These difficulties can be avoided in case of using the developed and approbated methodology of recovering a number of horizontal drainage expenses through expenses of the research plots, determining the performance of horizontal drainage by these results and developing appropriate ecological reclamation measures to increase productivity of irrigated drained agro-landscapes.

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Published in Scientific Papers. Series E. Land Reclamation, Earth Observation & Surveying, Environmental Engineering, Vol. X
Written by Violina ANGELOVA, Vanya ZAPRYANOVA

There has been carried out comparative research, which allows determining the quantities and the depots of accumulation of heavy metals, macro, and microelements in the vegetative organs of Miscanthus x giganteus, efficacy for phytoremediation, and quality of biomass as renewable energy sources for the combustion process. The field experiment was performed on an agricultural field contaminated by the Non-Ferrous-Metal Works (MFMW) near Plovdiv, Bulgaria. The experimental plots were situated at different distances (0.5, 3.5, and 15 km) from the source of pollution. Macronutrients (N, P, K, Mg, Ca), microelements (Fe, Mn, Cu), and heavy metal (Cd, Pb, Zn) concentrations in plant materials (roots, rhizomes, stems, and leaves) were determined during the three-year research period, two harvest periods (autumn, spring) per year. Heating value, ultimate and proximate analyses were evaluated at the end of the second growing season. Miscanthus x giganteus is tolerant towards heavy metals and can be grown on highly contaminated soils (2671.6 mg/kg of Zn, 2694.8 mg/kg of Pb, and 84.8 mg/kg of Cd). The depot for accumulation follows the order: roots>stems>leaves>rhizomes. The high concentration of heavy metals in the roots and rhizomes and the low translocation factor indicate the possibility of Miscanthus x giganteus to be used in phytostabilization. The obtained results have shown that Miscanthus x giganteus can be a significant source of good quality raw material in the production of solids biofuels. The biomass is of good quality (high carbon (47.85-49.92%) and hydrogen (5.37- 5.59%) content, and low ash (3.18-3.26%), nitrogen (0.05-0.1%), chlorine (0.056-0.085%), and sulphur (0.006- 0.048%) content and high energy potential (17.38-18.32 MJ/kg LHV). The degree of soil contamination did not have a significant influence on heating values, carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, and sulphur contents but did influence on biomass heavy metal contents. The content of heavy metals in the biomass of Miscanthus x giganteus grown on heavily contaminated soils is significantly higher and exceeds the limit values according to the standard ISO 17225-6:2014. Biomass of Miscanthus x giganteus from highly contaminated soils could be used as a source of energy if the burning of biomass occurs in power plants equipped with purification systems to control dust emissions.

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Published in Scientific Papers. Series E. Land Reclamation, Earth Observation & Surveying, Environmental Engineering, Vol. X
Written by Mihai Valentin HERBEI, Roxana Claudia HERBEI, Florin SALA

The study analysed the phenomenon of diving (Div) and the diving distance (DivD) of the land under the influence of coal mining in the specific conditions of the Jiu Valley, Romania. 16 control points (CP1 to CP16) placed randomly on the study area were used. Measurements of control point coordinates (X, Y, Z coordinates) were made at a reference time (t0) and at an interval of 3 months (t1). ANOVA test confirmed the statistical safety of the data and the presence of variance in the data set (p≤0.001, F>>Fcrit, for Alpha = 0.001). The variation of the Div parameter according to Z1 and Z0 was described, in general conditions of statistical safety at the level of R2 = 0.999; p≤0.001. The variation of the Div phenomenon according to X0 and Z0 was described under reduced statistical safety conditions (p = 0.895). The variation of DivD according to Z1 and Z0 was described in statistical safety conditions at the level of R2 = 0.697, p = 0.0142, and according to X0 and Z0 it was described in statistical safety conditions at the level of R2 = 0.722, p = 0.0095. The cluster analysis led to the grouping of control points based on affinity, in relation to the values Div and DivD, in statistical safety conditions (Coph.corr = 0.850).

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Published in Scientific Papers. Series E. Land Reclamation, Earth Observation & Surveying, Environmental Engineering, Vol. X
Written by Horia BARDEANU, FlorentinaMATEI, Paul-Alexandru POPESCU, Octavian IONESCU, Stefana JURCOANE

The large amount of organic waste resulted from the large urban agglomerations is an important source of landfill gas and consequently represents an important factor in the climate changing pollution effect. Although there are consistent efforts to reduce the volume of organic waste or to process it in a way which generate less landfill gas, there it is more work to be done in order to solve this problem. This article presents the work conducted to convert a biogas plant originally designed to use corn silage into a biogas plant which uses agri-food waste. Another important aspect presented in this article is the research on improving the qualitative parameters of biogas and the technical modifications conducted on the initial design to achieve a double quantity of biogas.

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Published in Scientific Papers. Series E. Land Reclamation, Earth Observation & Surveying, Environmental Engineering, Vol. X
Written by Manol DALLEV, Velika KUNEVA

The aim of the present study is to present an option for reducing the technological operation costs of fertilization. The research paper examines the available equipment of a specific agricultural producer (PA) in the Republic of Bulgaria. The characteristics of the fertilizing machines and the energy sources in the agricultural holding are made, the hourly productivity of the assembled units is calculated and the transport costs are optimized by solving a transport task under certain conditions. The proposed algorithm for describing a transport task and its subsequent solution, using MS Excel Solver significantly speeds up the calculation procedures and helps to reduce costs when performing the technological operation fertilization.

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Published in Scientific Papers. Series E. Land Reclamation, Earth Observation & Surveying, Environmental Engineering, Vol. X
Written by Tatiana OLINIC, Ernest-Daniel OLINIC

The paper presents the optimal solutions for the foundation of an industrial platform built on an old tailings pond consisting of drilling wells residues. The study of the foundation solutions was carried out based on the properties of the foundation soil from the site and based on pressures applied to the foundation soil by the industrial platform. Geotechnical properties were determined based on soil samples taken from 10 geotechnical boreholes with depths between 6 and 15 m. The paper analyzed the direct and indirect foundation solutions. In the hypothesis of direct foundation solution, the construction of the industrial platform was analyzed in the case of natural and improved foundation soil. Based on technical-economical point of view, two foundation solutions were detailed in the conclusions chapter.

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Published in Scientific Papers. Series E. Land Reclamation, Earth Observation & Surveying, Environmental Engineering, Vol. X
Written by Grigore MARIAN, Alexandru BANARI, Boris NAZAR, Andrei GUDIMA, Nicolai DARADUDA, Andrei PAVLENCO

The paper presents research results of the prospects of using residues from the cultivation of sea buckthorn in the production of densified solid biofuels. The paper aims to evaluate energy and physical-mechanical characteristics of both the wood biomass that results from the cultivation of sea buckthorn and the finished product in the form of pellets. The research was carried out on biomass samples taken from the technological cultivation chain of the Cora sea buckthorn within the Laboratory of Solid Biofuels of the State Agrarian University of Moldova. The research results proved the possibility of using sea buckthorn residues in the production of densified solid biofuels in the form of pellets with the characteristic features that comply with ENPlus 3 standards.

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Published in Scientific Papers. Series E. Land Reclamation, Earth Observation & Surveying, Environmental Engineering, Vol. X
Written by Grigore MARIAN, Nicolai DARADUDA, Andrei GUDIMA, Boris NAZAR, Alexandru BANARI, Andrei PAVLENCO

This paper refers to the qualitative study of densified solid biofuels, obtained from the plant biomass of the Asteraceae family. Nestro cylindrical briquettes produced at a hydraulic press manufactured by Briklis company within the Laboratory of Solid Biofuels, SAUM, served as the object of the research. The plant biomass of Silphium perfoliatum cultivated under the conditions of the Republic of Moldova was used as raw material. The research results demonstrate the prospects of using the studied crops as raw material for the production of densified solid biofuels in the form of briquettes.

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Published in Scientific Papers. Series E. Land Reclamation, Earth Observation & Surveying, Environmental Engineering, Vol. X
Written by Dragoș DRĂCEA, Augustina TRONAC, Sebastian MUSTAȚĂ

Wastewater treatment plants operate with water flows and characteristics different from those considered in the design stage, the most common differences being found in carbon concentrations that are lower than those of the design, nitrogen concentrations higher than those considered and a disadvantageous C:N:P ratio. This fact means that, during the entire period of operation, decisions are needed leading to wastewater treatment process optimization. The present paper deals with methods of regulating for a nitrification and simultaneous denitrification biological reactor, based on the determinations made for nitrogen concentrations, dissolved oxygen, pH, blowing speed and results obtained related to the treatment efficiency. The analysis proves that the necessary wastewater treatment efficiency is obtained by balancing the nitrification and denitrification processes accompanied by the reduction of energy consumption through recovering oxygen from nitrates, which can be controlled by blowing speed and detecting the operation mode between sequential or continuous ones. Interpretations and conclusions can support operators in finding solutions to optimize the undertaken process.

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Published in Scientific Papers. Series E. Land Reclamation, Earth Observation & Surveying, Environmental Engineering, Vol. X
Written by Alina AGAFITEI, Vasile Lucian PAVEL

Environmental impact assessment has emerged as a basic tool in identification and reduction of negative environmental consequences due to anthropogenic activities, reflecting a preventive approach to environmental management, with a view to sustainable development. Our research is made in Sibiu County, from Romania, and concerns the impact of the local waste landfill on the main environmental factors (water, air, soil). The proposed methods of prevention and reduction of pollution are characteristic of the technological process, and are given by the following conformations: waterproofing of the warehouse, realization of leachate drainage / discharge / treatment system, procedures for: acceptance of waste at storage, technological self-monitoring, self-monitoring of emissions and quality factors environment, procedures for cell closure with the implementation of the biogas combustion system resulting from anaerobic decomposition of waste, fencing (with fence and forest curtain).

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