Published in Scientific Papers. Series E. Land Reclamation, Earth Observation & Surveying, Environmental Engineering, Vol. V
Written by Dragos DRACEA, Augustina TRONAC, Sebastian MUSTATA
Land reclamation works are distributed across the territory, their positions being related to in situ factors. The governmental entity responsible off is the National Administration for Land Reclamation Works in Romania, administrating aprox. 3 million possible irrigated hectares, 3.1 million hectares possible drained, 2.2 million hectares equipped with soil erosion control works. Existing land reclamation systems shows different technical or/and economical deficiency taking in consideration the climatic changes evidenced by the evolution of temperatures, rainfall events distribution and intensity.. The comparison made with European countries goes to technical proposals for improving the stated Romanian situation, managing all together the aspects of land reclamation systems economic recovery, forest protection implementation, biomass exploitation, wastewater use. The main conclusion is that there are needed investments for dedicated land reclamation works in order to mitigate the effects of climate change. Cause to the great value of total costs it is recommended a progressive approach of the schemes, avoiding effects treatment and assessing the works behavior at every step. It is mandatory to carry out efficient, profitable investments, enabling execution and operation costs covering. Multidisciplinary analysis of issues and adopting of new design and operation concepts for protection systems in land reclamation field of interest is the base of any solution.
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