ISSN 2285-6064, ISSN CD-ROM 2285-6072, ISSN-L 2285-6064, Online ISSN 2393-5138

Guide for Authors

Papers will be written in English, with a strong recommendation for an even number of pages: 4 or 6 or 8 or 10, in Template Form in 2 columns (including tables, figures, and references).

Typing: You may use MS Word 2007, MS Word 2010, MS Word 2012.

Page setup: A4 (210 x 297), Margins Top 2 cm, Bottom 2 cm, Right 2 cm, Left 2 cm, Header and Footer 1.5 cm, Gutter 0 cm, Gutter position: Left. 

Paper Title: edited in capitals, TNR 14, bold, alignment centered. The title should describe the article’s content clearly and precisely. The title should not exceed 50 words on maximum 3 rows.

Authors: one space row down from the paper title, edited in TNR 12, bold, alignment centered, as follows: first name in small letters followed by the author’s name in capitals. If there are more authors than one and belonging to various institutions, they have to be marked by 1, 2, 3 etc. superscript for identifying the institutions they belong to (if all authors belong to one institution, they will be not marked). Please, do not mention academic title, scientific position etc. 

Institution: one space row down from the authors’ name, edited in TNR 12. The institutions will be marked by 1, 2, 3 etc. superscript, as mentioned before for authors. The institution name will be typed in small letters, alignment centered, followed by address: number, street, zip code, locality, country, phone, fax, email address belonging to each author (without hyperlinks). 

Corresponding author email: Please, mention the Corresponding author email, at one space row down from the name of institutions, edited in TNR 12, small letters, alignment centered and then two points, followed by the email address of the contact person, which will be edited in small letters and regular style (not in bold, not in italic and without hyperlinks). 

Abstract: one space row down from the name of corresponding author, edited in TNR 10, as follows: Abstract, in bold and italic characters, alignment left. 

The text will be typed at one space row down from the name Abstract, edited in TNR 10, in italic characters, alignment justified, no indentation (the row starts right from the left margin) and maximum 20 rows. 

Abstract will concisely summarize the content of the paper and will clearly tell the reader what information (s)he can expect to find in the paper. It will provide a brief introduction to the problem, a statement regarding the methodology and a brief summary of results. It is advisable not to include references to figures or tables, or citation of the reference in the abstract. Generally, the abstract will end with a comment on the significance of the results or a brief conclusion. 

Key words: one space row down from the abstract text, edited in TNR 10, as follows: Key words: edited in bold and italic characters, next two points and then maximum 5 representative words in alphabetical order in italics, no bold, alignment left, and dot at the end. Please pay attention that the key words ensure the article is correctly identified in abstracting and indexing services. 



INTRODUCTION, MATERIALS AND METHODS, RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS, CONCLUSIONS, AKNOWLEDGEMENTS AND REFERENCES will be edited in TNR 12, bold, alignment left, at one space row down from the text. 



The introduction should synthetically present the problem being investigated, the background that explains the problem, the reasons for conducting the research, and the importance of the research work in the scientific world. The authors will refer to the main information and results flow existing in the field and they could state how their work differs from the published work. 

The text will be edited at one space row down from INTRODUCTION with TNR 12, no indentation (the row starts right from the left margin), alignment justified.



In this paragraph, the authors will refer to: biological or other type of materials used within the experiments; equipments and techniques used; organization of the experimental plots; databases used; research period and its location, area or region; biological, mathematical, statistical or other methods used; standard procedures; measurements and observations etc. The purpose of this section is to provide the readers enough details so they can replicate your research. All these aspects will be synthetically and clearly described. 

The text will be edited at one space row down from MATERIALS AND METHODS with TNR 12, no indentation (the row starts right from the left margin), alignment justified. 



In this paragraph, the authors will present the main obtained results in a logical manner, and comment and interpret them correctly from a scientific point of view. The data are analyzed and presented in the form of figures (graphics, photos, maps etc), tables, and/or descriptions of observations. It is advisable to clearly identify any significant trends, to present the relationship between the results and the original hypothesis, to compare your results with those of previous studies, and to suggest practical applications of the obtained results. Also, give possible explanations for unexpected results and observations. 

The text will be edited at one space row down from RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS with TNR 12, no indentation (the row starts right from the left margin), alignment justified. 



This paragraph will briefly present the main ideas and results of the research. Conclusions will be concise and clear, no hypothesis and probability. Each conclusion will start on a new row. 

The text will be edited at one space row down from CONCLUSIONS, with TNR 12, not numbered or bullet lists, no indentation (the row starts right from the left margin), alignment justified. 



This paragraph is optional (if it is not necessary, this paragraph could be omitted) and is dedicated to thank you messages addressed to authorities, institutions or persons which have supported or provided the data collection and processing, organization of experiments, financial support etc. 

The text will be edited at one space row down from ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS, in TNR 12, no indentation (the row starts right from the left margin), alignment justified. 



In this paragraph, the studied bibliography and cited in the text will be mentioned. It is advisable to cite the most recent papers that are relevant to your work. 

References will be edited at one space row down from REFERENCES, in TNR 10, no indentation (the row starts right from the left margin), alignment justified. The references must be written in alphabetical order by authors’ names, with the following elements: Name and surname of authors, year, article or book title, review, volume, issue, page number, publishing house, locality.



- For book: 

Neagu V., Șandru A., 2004. The work processes shaping and efficient usage management of the agricultural aggregates. All Beck Publishing House, Bucharest. 


- For article in a Book: 

Kubkin S., 1991. Measurement of radiant energy. In: Sestak Z., Catsky J., Jarvis P.G. (Eds.), Plant Photosynthetic Production. Manual of Methods, Junk, The Hague, 702–765. 


- For article in a Journal: 

Ilieva A., Blajev V., 1998. Aminoacid content of multifoliolate and trifoliolate alfalfa. Plant Science, 35, 389-393. 


Tables (if necessary) will be included within the text and edited as follows: 

- Each table has to have a number and a title (for example, Table 1. Title), placed above the table itself, edited in TNR 10, alignment centered and 6 pt spacing paragraph after. 

- The text within tables will be edited with TNR 10 or a smaller font size, depending on situation, so that the figures remain aligned in one row. 

- If the table is going on the second page, then make sure there are inserted the table column headings. 

- The table will be automatically Autofit to window. 

- After the table please leave one empty row. 


Figures (if necessary) include graphics, photos, maps etc., and will be included within the text and edited as follows: 

- Each type of the ones mentioned above has to have a number and a title (for example, Figure 1. Title), placed below the figure itself, edited in TNR 10, alignment centered and 6 pt spacing paragraph before. Figure titles must be written in text, not included in the graphics.

- All texts and indications included in the graphics (e.g. Legend) must be written in English.

- Figures must have the proper resolution, contrast and sharpness in order to be readable in the printed version.

- After the figure please leave one empty row.



- Use standard abbreviations (h, min, g, mg, ml etc.) instead of writing complete words. 

- With two exceptions (the degree symbol and percent symbol), a space should be left between numbers and the accompanying unit. 

- Scientific names should be included for all species in italic font, except for the abbreviations “var.”, “ssp.”, “f.”, which indicate rank (e.g., Brassica napus ssp. oleifera). 


Citations in text: 

- All tables and figures must be cited within the text: 

  • Tables are referred to in the text as following: (Table 1); 
  • Figures are referred to in the text as following: (Figure 1); 

- All tables and figures must be inserted after their citation in the document. 

- All the authors you are referring to their work in your paper must be presented in References section and cited within text as following: 

  • The citation in text should be in brackets and contain only the author's last name and the year, as for example (Jones, 2005). 
  • In the case of two authors, you may use both author's last name and the year, as for example (Jones and Smith, 2005). 
  • In the case of more than two authors, you may use et al. (from "et alii," Latin for "and others"), as for example (Jones et al., 2006). 
  • In the case of more than one author has reached the same conclusion or worked on the same problem independently, you may list them together in the same brackets, ordering their names in ascending by year and separated by semicolons, as for example (Jones, 2005; Smith, 2009). 
  • Notice that the parenthesis is placed at the end of the sentence containing the reference and that punctuation follows the citation. 
  • If the author's name is used in the text, then put just the year in brackets, as for example Jones (2005) or Jones et al. (2006). 
  • In the case you wish to emphasize the year of the cited study, you can omit the brackets: for example, “Since 2005, when Jones observed the inhibitory effect of...”. 
  • Please notice that the papers whose authors do not cite all the references in the text will be not published. 


Bullets (if necessary): 

- This is the first bullet level; indentation: left 0.5 cm, hanging 0.5 cm. 

  • This is a sub-bullet level; indentation: left 1 cm, hanging 0.5 cm. 



The whole responsibility for the accuracy of the calculations, experimental data and scientific interpretations, as well as for the accuracy of the English text belongs entirely to the author(s).
- Submission of the paper implies that it is an original article and is not under consideration for publication elsewhere.
- If you use someone else’s words, ideas or results, you should always acknowledge this and refer to the original source.
- Avoid literally copying text, unless if you want to emphasize its original meaning; when you are using original text, always use quotation marks.
- Your paper will be peer reviewed, and the papers which do not comply with the Instructions may not be published.
- It is accepted to be published a maximum of 2 (two) articles as unique or the first article author.



After the completion of your paper, it should respect the Template Model: 

- The first part of the paper contains: paper title, authors, institutions, corresponding author, abstract and keywords to be edited on the whole page width. 

- Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results and Discussions, Conclusions, Acknowledgements and References, tables and figures, to be edited in two columns. If there are tables or figures exceeding the width of one column, a single-column section in the document should be used (separate this new section from the rest of the document using two Continuous Section Breaks from Page Layout  Page Setup (Office 2007, 2010), position the cursor in this section and set the number of columns of this section to One from Page Layout Page Setup (Office 2007, 2010) ). 

- Respecting the Template form layout, a paper is expected to have maximum 10 pages and will have an even number of pages (4 or 6 or 8 or 10 pages). 

- Ensure that the page breaks do not come between any heading and the next level of sub-heading or first line of body text after the heading (be sure Paragraph -> Line and Page Breaks -> Pagination -> Keep with next option is checked). 

- All two-columns sections should have: Page Layout -> Columns -> More Columns... Equal Column width option checked, Width: 81,2 mm, Spacing: 7,5 mm. 

- On the last page of the document, the two section columns should be equal in height. 

- You may use as a guide the Template FullPaper model. 



Full Papers will be submitted to journal  e-mail: /

The file will be named according the first author’s name, followed by «.doc» extension. For example: Smith Adam.doc

The journal is issued once a year, in December. The full papers will be submitted until July 15 


The publisher is not responsible for the opinions published in the Volume. They represent the authors’ point of view.


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