Published in Scientific Papers. Series E. Land Reclamation, Earth Observation & Surveying, Environmental Engineering, Vol. XII
Written by Anca-Roxana STRUGARIU
This paper aims to present the land quality and productivity of the administrative territorial unit of Murfatlar, Constanța County, located in south-east of Romania, an area well known for its vineyards, while used for specific purposes, such as agricultural destinations. The assessment is based on the analyses of climate (temperature and precipitation), soil (type, texture, reaction, gleization, presence of microforms and water), relief (slope), as well as other aspects of land, and their interpretation in order to determine the fertility of the site and its suitability for cultures (such as wheat, canola, corn, etc.). For the results and discussions phase, the soil bonitation note was calculated and a qualitative classification map was made to illustrate the potential productivity level. However, due to the fact that the soil evaluation is developing under both natural and human-caused environmental changes, the bonitation note needs to be revised often.
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