Published in Scientific Papers. Series E. Land Reclamation, Earth Observation & Surveying, Environmental Engineering, Vol. IV
Written by Sebastian PLUGARU, Mihaela ORBAN, Tiberiu RUSU
The algae population is the key factor in determining the biological productivity of the river basins. The fish productiondepends a great deal on the quantity and quality of the phytoplankton, as well as on the benthic macrophyte, sheltersand ideal spawning places for numerous species of fish.The ecotoxicological analyses carried out on algae and certain small sized spineless species have a very high precision.The algae and the spineless species make up biological indicators of polluted waters.The bioindication can be regarded as an anthropogenically induced biochemical and molecular response displayed bythe modification of the physiological parameters and the effects are seen at one or more levels of the biological system.
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