Published in Scientific Papers. Series E. Land Reclamation, Earth Observation & Surveying, Environmental Engineering, Vol. XI
Written by Oleksandr MYTSYK, Mykola KHARYTONOV, Natalia HONCHAR, Oleksandr HAVRYUSHENKO, Mykhailo BABENKO, Svitlana LEMISHKO
The lands disturbed by iron open pit mining are undergoing a long process of restoration. It is possible to create special-purpose lands in manmade landscapes by varying the thickness of the bulk layer of the black soil mass. The thickness of the applied soil layer on rocks or their mixtures is determined by the genetic parameters of zonal soils, the physical and biological properties of the soil mass, the soil excavation technology, and the adaptive potential of cultivated crops. The potential fertility of the same soil layer of the main mass of the first transitional horizon is 69%, the second transitional horizon is 38%. The mixing of soil masses of the humus and the first transitional horizons (Н+Нр) forms the fertility at the level of 90%, the three-humus horizons (H+Hp+Phk) - 72% of the fertility of the humus horizon. The activity of two enzymes is higher in mixtures of genetic horizons than in transitional horizons, but lower than in the humus horizon. The yield of cultivated crops largely depends on the thickness of the bulk layer of soil mass, on the contribution of mineral fertilizers. The optimal thickness of the bulk layer should correspond to 50 cm.
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