Published in Scientific Papers. Series E. Land Reclamation, Earth Observation & Surveying, Environmental Engineering, Vol. XIII
Written by Ghiţă Cristian CRAINIC, Flavius IRIMIE, Flavia Mălina CIOFLAN, Sorin Lucian DOROG, Călin Ioan IOVAN, Eugenia ŞERBAN
The extreme meteorological phenomena, from the date of 17 09 2017, caused a series of destructions especially in the deciduous stands within the Sudrigiu Forest District, Bihor Forest Department stands, in the western part of the country. As a result, a number of stands of species from the deciduous group were affected in the Văratec Forest Management Unit (FMU) VII, with reported windfalls and wind breaks, on compact surfaces of approximately 929 hectares. The volume of the affected trees, which was inventoried as accidental products, is about 94,000 m3. The appearance of these by-products seriously disrupted the management of the stands in the affected forest units, causing a series of major disruptions in the valorization process of the main and secondary wood products, with major implications on the regeneration process of the deciduous stands, which was in progress, at that moment. Although substantial amounts of money were recorded during the valorization of accidental wood products, a relatively high percentage of the wood was depreciated and was not recovered at a level corresponding to the main wood products.
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