Published in Scientific Papers. Series E. Land Reclamation, Earth Observation & Surveying, Environmental Engineering, Vol. XIII
Written by Octav-Mihai CISMAȘIU, Ioan OROIAN, Marcel DÎRJA, Cristian IEDERAN, Antonia ODAGIU
In this article we analyse the evolution of the grapes yield and their sugar content belonging to "Fetească Regală" vineyard variety cultivated in climatic conditions of Transylvanian region, Romania, covering the time period 2020–2022. In each experimental year, daily temperatures and precipitations were recorded during the grapevine vegetation period. Grapevine yield and sugar content was recorded at the end of each vegetation period. Averages were calculated yearly and by entire experimental period. Descriptive statistics and multi regression approach were implemented to calculate de averages, dispersion parameters, significance of differences, and relationships between the climatic factors and production traits. Overall datasets concerning grapes yields and their sugar content expressed a normal distribution. Our study emphasizes that precipitations have low influence on grapes yields and their sugar content, while temperature is positively associated with both above mentioned quantitative traits. When expressed by experimental years, increased temperatures led to higher yields and sugar content, significant differences are reported among yearly values.
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