ISSN 2285-6064, ISSN CD-ROM 2285-6072, ISSN-L 2285-6064, Online ISSN 2393-5138

Published in Scientific Papers. Series E. Land Reclamation, Earth Observation & Surveying, Environmental Engineering, Vol. IV
Written by Anca-Laura ROTMAN

Impacts of climate change are already being observed and are expected to become more pronounced. Extreme weatherevents, including heat waves, droughts and floods are expected to become more frequent and intense. Global warmingis a natural phenomenon. It is important that the alarm was pulled and the countries of the world cooperate to maintainenvironmental quality, given that all the people are the main beneficiary of a healthy environment. Climate change isone of the biggest threats to the environment, social and economic framework. Warming of the climate system isunequivocal. Climate change is the biggest failure and the largest scale yet. Observations show increases in globalaverage temperature of the ocean water and an extensive melting of snow and ice and rising global average sea level.Over the past 150 years, mean temperature has increased by almost 0.8ºC on the Earth and about 1ºC in Europe. Inearly 2009, the European Commission presented detailed proposals on how to achieve these objectives. They includeincreasing the amount of money invested in the development of less carbon technologies, especially in developingcountries, innovative sources of international finance, international carbon market by 2015 and measures to helpcountries adapt to changes climate. The European Union welcomed the outcome of the climate change conference heldin Doha in 2012, laying the foundation for more ambitious international action against climate change in the shortterm, opening the way for a new common future on climate change to be completed in 2015 and allowed starting from 1January 2013, a second commitment period under the Kyoto Protocol. Reference points of the international meeting arethose concerning our common future, given that the peoples of the world are the ones who should benefit from the localenvironment, states and every citizen of planet must only through an awareness of the high intensity effort and will beable to achieve the aim of reducing emissions. 21st Century Europe must have the role of a catalyst so that the forcehas, through experience and its traditions lead to a convergence of efforts of all countries of the world in the fightagainst pollution of any kind and in particular the pollution caused by exhaust emissions.

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Published in Scientific Papers. Series E. Land Reclamation, Earth Observation & Surveying, Environmental Engineering, Vol. IV
Written by Melania-Nicoleta BOROS, Irina SMICAL, Valer MICLE, Irene LICHTSCHEIDL-SCHULTZ

Industrialization of Baia-Mare area has had a major effect on the environment. Many contaminants were released andaccumulated in soils causing important heavy metal pollution. This study presents a historical approach of the reasonsthat led to the contamination of soils and the present situation of industrial areas in Baia-Mare. The pollution of soilswith heavy metals is a worldwide problem and the state of the environment should be improved in each case study.Former CUPROM industrial area requires remediation measures because of the historical soil contamination withheavy metals, mainly Cu, Pb and Zn. The revitalization of the case study area is necessary and further studies on theremediation possibilities must be carried out. The aim of this study is to characterize this industrial zone and to identifythe soil pollution.

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Published in Scientific Papers. Series E. Land Reclamation, Earth Observation & Surveying, Environmental Engineering, Vol. IV
Written by Claudiu-Sorin DRAGOMIR, Daniela DOBRE, Emil-Sever GEORGESCU

In most cases, most of the vibration energy source with the dynamic flux propagation Rayleigh waves propagated nearthe surface of the ground may cause movement of the ground and a high level of efforts that transmit vibrations fromunderground to the supported structures and adjacent structures. The permanent negative effects of these majorvibrations on foundations cause structural damage to adjacent buildings, especially those supported by deposits ofsoil/soft soil. This type of vibration can cause adverse effects in the nearby areas and inside buildings to sensitiveelectronic equipment and to devices/facilities measuring and alike can have a major impact on occupant comfort. Theliterature shows that the best assessing criterion is the maximum speed of oscillation of the particle soil - PPV (PeakParticle Velocity).The paper aims to present a case study on determining the effects of vibration levels generated by non-seismic sourceson structures. A criterion for assessing the vibration at internationally level is considered and also some existingsolutions in the literature to reduce the level of vibration are presented. The proposed systems were evaluated andcompared using particle displacements reductions obtained in soil through intensive study of parameters. All proposedfilled barrier systems performed well in order to reduce surface waves and effectiveness shielding, but in most cases avariable protection in the presence of structure was provided.

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Published in Scientific Papers. Series E. Land Reclamation, Earth Observation & Surveying, Environmental Engineering, Vol. IV
Written by Maria Claudia PREDA

Of the total population of Romania, about 45%, according to INS, are living in rural areas, and in terms of area, of the23.84 mil. ha, approximately 14.7 mil. ha, or 62%, is arable land. Of these 14.7 mil., only 1.7 mil. ha are irrigated.Given that agriculture is one of the main branches of the Romanian economy, being considered by the publicauthorities, the locomotive that will restart the economy.Why are speaking in future tense? Because, as it’s said in the structural documents of Romania, the Romanianagriculture has a great potential to develop, potential that comes from the state of significant degradation of irrigationsystems, machine wear and lack of new techniques of culture, so that production yields are approximately 40% of theaverage European countries.The emphasis in the 2014-2020 programming period is the development of rural areas, in this context we cannot forgetthe development of the irrigation system, especially if we look in the past, during the communist period, when irrigationsystems proved their worth.Today, the desire for economic alignment with the EU, in the context of a country with agricultural profile, obliges us toemphasize that in the development of infrastructure and agricultural services, the irrigation systems represent a lastinginvestment in rural development.

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Published in Scientific Papers. Series E. Land Reclamation, Earth Observation & Surveying, Environmental Engineering, Vol. IV
Written by Maria POPA

This paper is part of a comprehensive study on soil pollution with liquid petroleum products. An experimental modelto simulate the natural state of soil horizons was imitated in the laboratory. By cracking underground or abovegroundpipes, which carry liquid petroleum products, the ground - underground – groundwater system undergoes changes. Ifimmediate action is taken, the system is less affected and remediation does not require costly techniques. If the accidentis found after a long time, the oil stain can seriously affect the soil and remediation methods do not provide goodefficiency. Pollutant migration, in the proposed arrangement, has been studied for several soil types. For each soil typethere were determined: capillarity, permeability and retention capacity, size distribution and density. Pollutantmigration, a petroleum product, was studied both on horizontal and vertical direction. There were calculated the travelspeeds of pollutant in the two directions and it was measured the width of the oil spill. Future research aims theremediation of these soils through methods that can be applied in the laboratory.

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Published in Scientific Papers. Series E. Land Reclamation, Earth Observation & Surveying, Environmental Engineering, Vol. IV
Written by Ramiro SOFRONIE

The paper deals with the binominal sentence “Agriculture for Life”. Associated with its reversed form, i.e. “Life forAgriculture”, it was successfully used by a bright mind as an appealing motto. This is why the meaning of thathomogenous sentence is further investigated on the basis of the third axiom of classical logic namely, that of theincluded third. When as hidden third the gravity is included then one of motto’s fascinating meanings seems disclosed.Gravity contains life’s key. For this purpose some legends and fairy tales, well known to Romanians, have beenselected. The paper concludes that gravity holds indeed the key of life, but the nature of gravity remains unknown. Ahigher level of consciousness is necessary before decrypting the gravity.

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Published in Scientific Papers. Series E. Land Reclamation, Earth Observation & Surveying, Environmental Engineering, Vol. IV
Written by Florian STATESCU, Dorin COTIUSCA-ZAUCA, Vasile Lucian PAVEL, Paula COJOCARU, Maria PASTIA

The protection of soils and thus maintaining the ability to perform their ecological function requires careful analysis ofthe soils properties. The diversification of protection and de-pollution techniques of the soil determines the developmentof investigation techniques, both of the composition and of the soil characteristics.In this regard, experimentsperformed in the Laboratory of Soil Science from the Technical University "Gheorghe Asachi" University, and otherinstitutions with which the University has collaborative relationships represents an important contribution to thedevelopment of research methodology of soil for various purposes. Some of the most significant results were obtained insoil physics and refers to: the use of infrared spectrometry in research of soil matrix composition, the study of soilporosity by electron microscopy and medical imaging technique, the experimental determination of hydraulicconductivity of soil and the use of mathematical models in research on aero-hydric soil regime.Themineralogicalcomposition of the clay in soil was studied using IR spectra obtained with a Shimadzu spectrophotometer Iraffinity-1.Colloidal inorganic matrix or clay, as it is commonly called, has a number of properties which are a result of thecharacteristics of its components. The quality of the clay can be established by identification of these components andtheir proportions. Clay minerals identified in studied clay soils are: illite, smectite (montmorillonite), kaolinite andchlorite. In addition, spectrometry revealed the presence of vermiculite elements or poorly expressed interstratifications.QUANTA electron microscope 3D Dual Beam 200, used in the study of the soil porosity, is a combinationof two systems:- SEM is an electron microscope that produces enlarged images of a variety of samples performing amagnification of over 100,000x at a high resolution digital format.- FIB is an ion beam system that provides highresolution images.In the field of soil science, for research on porous environment, axial tomography using X-ray (X-raycomputer tomography - CT) or Gamma is a highly effective and innovative method for investigating soil structure,spatial distribution of porosity and ground water content.Experimental determination of the soil hydraulic conductivitywas made on a modern complex installation, having the possibility of recording data and their automaticprocessing.Land MOHID software was used to simulate water flow through porous media (soil). It solves the Richardsequation for saturated and unsaturated porous media. Currently, soil hydraulic properties are described by using theVan Genuchten equation. However, the model is prepared, where appropriate, to include any model which describeswater content and the hydrostatic pressure or the relationship between the conductivity and hydrostatic pressure,respectively. The simulation results showed that the MOHID Land computer program, with adjustments made byPorous Media Module Properties, PREEQC and Sediment Quality, is a pertinent tool for analysing issues like: soilwater dynamics, transport of solutions and transformations undergone by the different substances and somecomponents of the air from the soil.For the soil water dynamics simulation using Land MOHID software, it is necessarythat the input data such as rainfall, irrigation and soil characteristics (hydraulic parameters) to be representative in thestudied area and obtained as result of high rank analysis and quality studies. The conclusions emphasize theimportance of results and contributions to the development of knowledge, which are appreciated as result of a coherentand relevant analysis of the scientific literature.

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Published in Scientific Papers. Series E. Land Reclamation, Earth Observation & Surveying, Environmental Engineering, Vol. IV
Written by Yousef GHANBARI

The main objective of this study is to investigate the impact of economic activities of the rural women on the sustainabledevelopment, and to identify the influential factors (individual, family, organization) on the rate of their participation inthe agricultural activities in Barzok area of Kashan. The research method was descriptive – analytic, and the requiredinformation was collected based on the survey and library studies. the Statistical population consisted of 6,300 ruralwomen being active in the agricultural sector of the area and by using the Cochran formula, 320 persons of them wereidentified as the sample size, having been interviewed by simple random sampling method. Coefficient of Cronbach'salpha for the determination of the reliability of the questionnaire was 71/5. For describing and analyzing of the data,we used the SPSS software, single variable t-test and Spearman correlation coefficient. The research’s findings showthat the economic activities of the rural women are effective in the sustainable development of the area. Based on theviewpoint of the regional authorities, this relationship were examined with consideration to three sectors of ruralwomen's education, support for their economic activities and formation of the cooperatives of the rural women, andaccording to that, education of the rural women with the mean of 60/3 has allocated the maximum amount to itself.Also, the correlation coefficient between agricultural activities and the age, the income of horticulture and size of thefamily showed the significance level of p ≤0/05. Consequently, there is a relationship between age, size of the family,income of the horticulture and the rate of agricultural activities of rural women, meaning that the agricultural activitiesof the rural women go up in tandem with the age and size of the family, followed by the raise of horticulture’s income.

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Published in Scientific Papers. Series E. Land Reclamation, Earth Observation & Surveying, Environmental Engineering, Vol. IV
Written by Alexandra Patricia BRAICA

We believe that labor conflict management is a crucial issue in the current socio-political reality of Romanian society,which unfortunately is not based on a culture of dialogue par excellence. So we realized this study in triple perspective:theoretical, practical and legal framework. We maintain that the industrial relations conflict management shouldinvolve a strategic level, targeting the correct choice of the goal on the one hand and a tactical level, on the other hand,which consists in the suitable settlement method. Regardless of the method chosen concrete, consider the three essentialpreliminary actions that could increase the chances of success, namely: the precise definition of the subject of thedispute; reducing space and increasing spectrum opportunities dispute resolution. Narrowing the field of disputeresolution and widen the spectrum of possibilities are practically in a relationship interrelation. Segregation disputedtopic more items and limit divergences spectrum by identifying those specific issues that can be resolved more easilycreate prerequisites for the achievement of agreements on some specific issues in the dispute and ensure the transitionfrom total war situation, the only alternative solving are victory or defeat in a dispute with a wider range ofpossibilities to solve, from which both sides can benefit.

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Published in Scientific Papers. Series E. Land Reclamation, Earth Observation & Surveying, Environmental Engineering, Vol. IV
Written by Daniela DOBRE, Claudiu-Sorin DRAGOMIR, Emil-Sever GEORGESCU

The Earthquake Early Warning Systems (EEWS) are currently in a number of countries with severe seismicity. Theydetect the initiation or development of earthquakes using the differences between the arrival of P and S waves andsignals on-line of seismic sensors network and they emit a warning during the seismic wave will reach a site or another.This system can be used with a monitoring system of building structures behaviour "Structural Health MonitoringSystem" (SHMS) to improve pre-event and post-seismic event forecasts. EEWS can provide valuable information forcivil structures and using information from both systems and SHMS and EEWS leading to a more accurate estimate ofthe loss and to an efficient safety alert. There are many countries where this correlation is permitted; in Romania alsothere are promising achievements in each of these areas. A system which can use all the capabilities and possibilities ofthese existing networks is shown.

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