ISSN 2285-6064, ISSN CD-ROM 2285-6072, ISSN-L 2285-6064, Online ISSN 2393-5138

Published in Scientific Papers. Series E. Land Reclamation, Earth Observation & Surveying, Environmental Engineering, Vol. IV
Written by Adrian - George COJOCARU, Elena - Livia COJOCARU

The insurance subsystem against work accidents and occupational diseases is one of the pillars of the social securitysystem identifiable at any developed country level, regardless the conferred title or the institution in whichsubordinations is. The Prevention of occupational risks submits one of the variants of rebalancing the allocated budgetsfor this subsystem. The developed researches was based on Framework Directive 89/391/CEE for health and safety atwork and the correspondent Romanian harmonised legislation. The aim was to avoid or reduce the occupational risksby achieving an integrated prevention and protection to ensure the continuous improvement of the safety level andhealth protection of workers within the land improvement activity. The developed model for ANIF is also applicable forother components of the social security systems, the acting success condition being the developing of a system based onintegrated approaches linked with assets to the passive dimension.

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Published in Scientific Papers. Series E. Land Reclamation, Earth Observation & Surveying, Environmental Engineering, Vol. IV
Written by Aurel CALINA, Jenica CALINA, Alin CROITORU

This paper presents a case study on the establishment of a support network using modern and high performancetechnology GPS - Total Station, in which objective was to highlight all the advantages and accuracies results from itsimplementation on the ground.In the first stage is presented achieving of the support network points using Trimble R6 GPS GNSS, which can reach anaccuracy of less than 2 cm, the one he recommends for use in such work. After collecting field data, processing wasperformed using program, and Trimble Business Center, which led to obtaining a very highefficiency and a high accuracy, which is recorded in tables 5,6,7. For linking to the national coordinate system, pointscoordinates in the ETRS89 were transformed using software TRANSDAT in Stereographic 1970 coordinate system.Thus network built fully comply all the requirements of accuracy, visibility, accessibility and control, requiring suchconstruction work.

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Published in Scientific Papers. Series E. Land Reclamation, Earth Observation & Surveying, Environmental Engineering, Vol. IV
Written by Daniela IORDAN, Gabriel POPESCU

The paper aimed to present, for the different land cover categories, the accuracy of LiDAR measurements obtained witha light detection and ranging dataset from a test area of the hydrographical basin Somes-Tisa in Romania. It ispresented the geometric geolocation accuracy of LiDAR footprint for few land cover categories, utilizing an UAVconfiguration that supports a sensor designed to scan the surface of the Earth, a DGPS and INS/IMU system. There arepresented the geometric accuracies, for LiDAR footprints on the ground, as a relationship between the inputparameters, which include errors of the orbital state, attitude information of the UAV and the look vector errors of theactive sensor (LiDAR scanner), that give us the coordinates of the point of intersection of the line of sight scanningsystem and the Earth's surface as a function of: terrestrial ellipsoid surface, UAV position, UAV attitude (spatialsituation) and the orientation of the LiDAR scanner. As a conclusion, the paper proposes the vertical accuracyrequirements that are recommended when analyzing elevation data generated using airborne light detection andranging or laser technology, because vertical accuracy is the principal criterion in specifying the quality of elevationdata, and vertical accuracy requirements depending upon the intended users applications.

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Published in Scientific Papers. Series E. Land Reclamation, Earth Observation & Surveying, Environmental Engineering, Vol. IV
Written by Sebastian PLUGARU, Mihaela ORBAN, Tiberiu RUSU

The algae population is the key factor in determining the biological productivity of the river basins. The fish productiondepends a great deal on the quantity and quality of the phytoplankton, as well as on the benthic macrophyte, sheltersand ideal spawning places for numerous species of fish.The ecotoxicological analyses carried out on algae and certain small sized spineless species have a very high precision.The algae and the spineless species make up biological indicators of polluted waters.The bioindication can be regarded as an anthropogenically induced biochemical and molecular response displayed bythe modification of the physiological parameters and the effects are seen at one or more levels of the biological system.

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Published in Scientific Papers. Series E. Land Reclamation, Earth Observation & Surveying, Environmental Engineering, Vol. IV
Written by Tahsin TAPUR

Sinkholes, one of the carstic geographical formations, come into existence as meltable rocks underground, such aslimestone create holes in time and as ceilings of those holes collapse. Sinkhole formations have occurred withconvenient lithological and ground water effect in Konya area for a long time. Dry or wet, there are almost 100sinkholes in Konya, which they are called as sinkholes. As a result of overuse of groundwater in the district of Konya,existence of sinkhole has been increased recently. Since appearances of aforementioned sinkholes are located inagriculture land has been carried issues because those aforementioned sinkholes are covered unproperly and used as afarm area by property owners. The covered process is extremely dangerous and it sometimes causes the sinkhole areato collapse again. In this study, it is aimed to discuss some sample of aforementioned sinkholes in the agriculture landsin Konya.

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Published in Scientific Papers. Series E. Land Reclamation, Earth Observation & Surveying, Environmental Engineering, Vol. IV

This study aims to obtain raw materials as an effective carrier for starter inoculum consortium of Bacillus coagulans B.licheniformis, B. subtilis, and Pseudomonas sp. and contact time for bioremediation of polluted water from the riverCimuka. The study was conducted by using the experimental method with completely randomized design (CRD) withtwo-factor factorial 9x9. The first factor is the carrier material (P) consisting of 9 level and the second factor is thecontact time (W) consisting of 9 level. Parameters measured were BOD, COD, TSS, and ammonia. The results showedthat bioremediation by a consortium of bacteria Bacillus coagulans, B. licheniformis, B. subtilis, and Pseudomonas sp.the carrier material alginate-starch with a concentration of 1% at the time bioremediation 14 days can reduce levels ofBOD by 81.49%, 81.44% COD, TSS 75%, and 35.82% ammonia by bacteria populations reach 2,89x1013 CFU/ml. Theresults also show that the encapsulation can maintain the viability of bacteria and is able to improve the bioremediationof organic matter compared to treatment without encapsulation.

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Published in Scientific Papers. Series E. Land Reclamation, Earth Observation & Surveying, Environmental Engineering, Vol. IV
Written by Gabriel MINEA, Mary-Jeanne ADLER, Gabriela MOROSANU, Gianina NECULAU

The aim of this study is to investigate the role of land use in the dynamics of the water resources on a plot scale (waterbalance plot), following natural spring rainfalls and land use (grassland vs. bare soil). The study was primarily basedon hydrometeorological data (e.g.: rainfall depths, rainfall intensities and flows), measured in the spring (IV-V) of 2014at Voinesti Experimental Basin, part of the National Institute of Hydrology and Water Management - Romania. Thewater balance plots are situated at an altitude of 500 m a.s.l. in the Curvature Subcarpathians and have the followingcharacteristics: 300 sq m area; type of soil: eutricambisol; average slope of 13% and N-S orientation; land use: a plot“grassland”(P1) and another plot “bare soil”(P2).During the analyzed period, rainfall events, corroborated with previous conditions of soil humidity, have beenquantitatively reflected in the flow parameters (depths, discharges) thus: the processed soil plot created heterogeneousconditions for the runoff surface, such as microdepressions, and thus flow rates have been reduced compared to thoserecorded on the grass plot; The interception of vegetation, in cases of previous humidity (last 3 days) caused by smalldepths (e.g. 0.6 and 19 mm), has been low and highlighted by high rates of overland flow (0.144 l/s on vs. 0.092 l/s onP1), and when antecedent conditions are marked by rainfalls, the interception has been reduced and thus the volumesof overland flows were amplified (4996 l on P2 vs. 2800 l on P1); soil infiltration rates were elevated in cases ofprevious rains and low when previous conditions were dry for both land use types; this is also confirmed by thepartition of average flows volumes: 15% overland flow, 27% subsurface flow, 58% base flow.

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Published in Scientific Papers. Series E. Land Reclamation, Earth Observation & Surveying, Environmental Engineering, Vol. IV
Written by Maricel PALAMARIU, Ioan VOINA

Romania’s integration into EU requires respecting the regulations established by the institutions of this community.One of the regulations is DIRECTIVE 2007/2/CE establishing an Infrastructure for Spatial Information in theEuropean Community (INSPIRE). Basing our opinion on the definition of general cadastre, we consider as opportunethe use of metadata in completing its objectives, due to the data sets offered by metadata to potential users. Metadataare information describing sets and services of spatial data, permitting the search, the inventory and the usage by fieldspecialists and other interested persons. Starting from the current situation in Romania, the present paper aims todescribe the role and the importance of using metadata in the context of completing the general cadastre in Romania.

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Published in Scientific Papers. Series E. Land Reclamation, Earth Observation & Surveying, Environmental Engineering, Vol. IV
Written by Roxana Gabriela CRISTINA, Ioan I. ARDELEAN

The accidental multiplication of conditional pathogen bacteria such as E.coli in the territorial sea waters of Romaniahas an important impact on human health and requires a continuous evaluation of its risks. This study is focused on theeffect of some physical factors (temperature, salinity, nutrient concentration) on the viability of Escherichia coli cells.In our experiments, we analysed the response of E.coli grown in normal conditions (LB at 37°C ) when subjected to anutritional, saline and osmotic shock by introducing sub-samples of the culture in three (4°C, 15°C, 37°C) separatesterile sea water (sea water filtered through a Millipore filter- pores of 0.22 μm ) microcosms. The samples werecollected at different times (ranging from minutes to days) and analysed with respect to total cell densities (cellspermeable to Syber green), dead cells (cells permeable to propidium iodide) densities and colony forming units. Theresults showed that the stress conditions determined by osmotic shock, saline shock and nutrients deprivation cannotsuppress the resistance and multiplication capacity of E.coli after two days, even though the stress conditionsdiminished them. Although the temperature of the sea water is an important factor regarding the resistance of E.coli, arather large proportion of cells continue to remain alive at 4°C, and able to multiply when transferred to LB at 37°C.

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Published in Scientific Papers. Series E. Land Reclamation, Earth Observation & Surveying, Environmental Engineering, Vol. IV
Written by Valentin FEODOROV

The paper deals with the juridical-legislative, technical and administrative framework which substantiated the projectsdeveloped and executed in the 20 years, starting with Romania's EU pre-accession till now, respectively the nationalstrategy documents of waste management: the national Plan of waste Management and the National Strategy for wastemanagement, also the local / county / regional waste management plans and strategies, including master plans. All thislegislation has been permanently updated and aligned to the European legislation. The article deals especially with theproblems encountered by the specialists in the landfills’ designing and execution, with examples through case studies.In the year 1994 was put into operation in Ovidiu, Constanta County, the first municipal, ecologic landfill fromRomania, followed by that from Sighisoara designed in 1993-1994 and put into operation in 1995. Since the executionof the first ecologic landfill in 1994 till now, over 40 compliant landfills have been executed in Romania with private orpublic funds.

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